How To Fix A Macbook Pro Touchbar Logic Board-No Power

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Reviving Your MacBook Pro Touchbar with a Logic Board Repair

Is your MacBook Pro Touchbar refusing to power up? Don’t panic. You can get it working again with some targeted troubleshooting and logic board repairs. This guide will walk through the key steps.

Pinpointing the Faulty Power Component

Start by checking the pp3v3_g3h power rail and associated circuits. This critical supply allows the CD3215 chips to request 20V from the charger. Inspect the enable pin on the pp3v3_g3h regulator. Also, check any controlling ISL9239 chips. Faulty chips often prevent proper power sequencing.

Replacing Defective Chips

If tests pinpoint a bad ISL9239, swap in a replacement. After removing the motherboard, desolder the chip carefully using a hot-air station. Be extremely gentle to avoid board damage. Align then solder the new chip using flux. Ensuring good joints is vital for reliability.

Tracking Down Short Circuits

Short-circuited capacitors can also cause no-power situations. Carefully check caps located near metal shields for signs of damage. Use a thermal camera to find hot spots. Beware of reflective surfaces skewing temp measurements. Inspect critical chips like CD3215, U7008K and the 300G Fiat to rule out short circuits.

Fixing Abnormal Current Draw

Has a repair gone awry? Upside-down chips can increase the current draw. These fragile components must be handled gently to avoid cracks. Double-check orientations as an incorrect position can easily go unnoticed. This prevents frustrating power consumption issues.

Reviving a MacBook Pro Touchbar with logic board repairs requires patience and care – especially when dealing with surface-mount chips. But methodically troubleshooting to identify faults and then reworking those areas using the right tools and techniques can get your device functioning normally again. Consider seeking professional assistance if you’re unsure.