Mac Repair Cost Breakdown 2023

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The cost of repairing a Mac varies widely as this depends on multiple factors such as the specific model of Mac you have, the extent of the damage, and the specific repair needed. However, on average, the cost of Mac repair service is between $200 to $1000 for common problems like screen repair, battery replacement, and chipset repair.

In this article, we’ll take a look at various Mac repair cost breakdown in 2023:

1. Screen Repairs and Replacements

If your Mac screen is cracked or damaged, the average cost for the repair is between $100 to $500 depending on the size and model of the device.

Generally, a Mac screen repair and replacement can be completed the same day if you get it fixed by us. Make sure to reach out to our Mac repair in Sydney for more details.

2. Battery Replacements

Battery repair and replacements for MacBook is one of the most common fixes we do. This is because every computer’s battery has a shelf life of somewhere between 3-5 years before it needs to be replaced.

Some Mac battery replacements may be covered under Apple’s warranty or AppleCare+ protection plan, which can help to lower the overall cost of the repair. However, the average cost of a Mac battery replacement is between $100 to $200 if you get it done by Apple Store and about $50 to $150 if done by us or any 3rd party repair shops.

3. Hard Drive Replacement

Mac’s hard drive can run slow or get damaged over time. If you feel that there’s a sound coming from your MacBook or is running low on storage, then it’s time to get it replaced.

The cost for a hard drive replacement is between $100 to $400, depending on the size and type of hard drive you need.

4. Keyboard Repair

MacBook keyboards can easily get damaged and the cost of repairing them is between $50 to $200, depending on the specific issue and the model of your Mac.

5. Logic Board Repair

Logic board is one of the most complicated repair work for any Mac and Apple computers. It’s not often to experience the logic board damage but if you do, then you can expect to pay somewhere between $300 to $1,000 or more. The cost of a logic board repair can even go as high as $1800 if you get it fixed by the Apple Support, and there’s no warranty that covers this aspect as well.

6. Water Damage Repair

If you spilled water over your Apple computer and you’re unlucky, the water can seep through the keyboard holes into the motherboard and chipset, which can lead to short circuit.

Therefore, the cost of repair a water damage to your Mac is similar to the logic board repair, which is between $200 to $800.

7. Other Repairs

Other repairs of the Mac include things like trackpads and speakers replacement, fan replacement, peripheral repairs ,etc. These smaller fixes cost somewhere between $50 to $100, depending on the damaged done and the Mac model you use.


That’s all for the complete Mac repair cost breakdown. It’s worth noting that these estimates are just rough guidelines, and the actual cost of repairing your Mac may be higher or lower depending on your specific situation.

Additionally, some Mac repairs may be covered under Apple’s warranty or AppleCare+ protection plan, which can help to lower the overall cost of repairs if you decide to get it repaired by the official Apple Support store.